Stone Edge Central Server Solution

Stone Edge is typically run on a PC connected to a server of some kind.  Each user who logs into Stone Edge is running the application locally, on the PC that they use every day.  While this may be typical, it isn’t the only way the application can be run.  An alternate method to run Stone Edge is from a central server.  Running on a central server has some benefits over the typical method.

Typical limitations running Stone Edge in the traditional environment:

  • Remote workers need to use a remote desktop service which requires a PC on the other end to connect to.  As you add remote workers, you would need to add PCs.
  • Stone Edge is a network intensive application which means that your typical corporate network could be a bottleneck in its performance.
  • The effort it takes to maintain separate PCs running the application can be time consuming.  Software upgrades, troubleshooting problems, etc. can take a while.

Benefits of running in a Central Server Solution:

  • Remote workers (running either Windows or Mac) can use the free remote desktop application to connect to Stone Edge.  No need to add systems as you add remote workers.
  • Since everything is running on a single server, there can be some significant speed benefits even though the system is potentially running very far away from where  you are.
  • There is no longer a need to maintain separate PCs running Stone Edge.  All of the maintenance is done on a single server and all of this maintenance can be done remotely.
  • As long as you have an internet connection and have the remote desk application, you can process orders.

What is required to set up a Central Server Solution?

  • A system running Windows Server (any edition)
  • A server running Windows Terminal Services.  One license per potential active user.
  • The server needs to have the appropriate number of Microsoft Access licenses.   One license per potential active user.
  • If running Stone Edge Enterprise, system needs to have SQL Server. (any edition)
  • Stone Edge needs to be  set up to run in a multi-user mode

Notes on the Central Server Solution:

  • The Stone Edge Central Server Solution system can exist either inside of your existing network or in a hosting facility somewhere on the internet.
  • Technology Copilot doesn’t currently offer any hosting of this particular solution.  Technology Copilot will help manage the setup of the Central Server and will offer support at its current hourly rate.
  • This is not a ‘web’ based solution, but simply offers you the ability to run Stone Edge on a single system accessing it over the Windows remote desktop utility.

Limitation of the Stone Edge Central Server Solution

  • Workstation based parameters do not work since Stone Edge views each ‘instance’ of Stone Edge as a single system.
  • WorldShip doesn’t’ work too well.
  • Peripherals such as printers, scanners, etc. can sometimes be an issue getting to work properly.

What Technology Copilot can do for you:

  • Help determine if the Central Server Solution is the right one for you.
  • If hardware will be purchased, will help size the hardware based on your needs.  If wanting to use a hosted environment, will recommend hosts and hardware.
  • Help identify licensing needs for terminal services, MS Access, Windows Server and optionally SQL Server.
  • Will install/configure Stone Edge in a multi-user configuration.
  • Document where things are and how, if changes need to be made, to make them.

How long will it take?

  • Actually not long at all.  The total project time line can be measured in weeks not month

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