FBA Auto Importer
Stone Edge doesn’t currently support the management of FBA data inside of their order management system. Technology Copilot has developed a set of utilities and the automation of these utilities to help effectively manage your FBA business inside of Stone Edge. With this solution you can automate import of orders, adjustments, returns, inventory creation and reconcile your inventory. Additionally, utilities enable you to automate the pulling of inventory to ship to FBA and processes created to help manage the flow of products and orders. The solution installs locally and leverages Amazon’s available fulfillment report for download from Seller Central.
- Auto schedules the following FBA fulfillment reports
- Shipped Orders
- Returns
- Inventory Adjustments
- Managed FBA Inventory
- Auto downloads all the generated reports
- Auto loads all the FBA reports into a SQL Server database
- The data in the loaded reports is then processed directly (no need for text file import) from the existing FBA utilities.
- Import FBA orders which have already shipped into Stone Edge. As orders are imported (using the Stone Edge generic cart):
- Orders are approved with the approval date equal to the ship date of the items
- Actual ship date is set
- Actual tracking number imported and associated with the order
- Split shipments (from separate warehouses) supported
- Import FBA returns
- Utility finds and processes an actual return and discards or returns to inventory the items returned based on Amazon’s item disposition (sellable or not)
- Import FBA Adjustments
- Utility performs actual inventory adjustment in Stone Edge for the items that Amazon adjusted as well as records the adjustment reason inside of Stone Edge (and adjusts QOH).
- Reconcile FBA Inventory
- Utility reports QOH in SEOM versus the QOH in FBA identifying differences which need to be explored.
- Auto create FBA Products
- From downloaded ‘Managed FBA inventory report’
- Automation doesn’t currently support Purchase Order Creation/Receiving.
- When combined with Technology Copilot’s Auto Importer, it offers hands free FBA management.
- The FBA integration doesn’t manage processes such as removals and requires manual entry of FBA purchase orders and receiving.
- Due to Stone Edge limitations, FBA SKUs need to be named separate from their merchant fulfilled SKU equivalents or a separate database for FBA data is required.
- Software updates include any bug fixes and software enhancements
- Support includes troubleshooting / fixing any software bugs that might arise in the application. Support doesn’t include troubleshooting and fixing anything outside of the Magento2 Integration. Examples:
- Anything system related – Out of hard drive space, hard drives crashes, files accidently deleted, etc. affecting the software’s ability to function.
- SEOM data related issues – Configuration issues – SKUs, shopping carts, etc.
- Monthly Subscription
- The first FBA store is $109/month, each additional FBA store is $60/month
- Setup fee of $500 for first store, each additional store $175 setup
- Get one month free by purchasing a yearly subscription
- Subscriptions include software updates and support
- Perpetual License
- Call for pricing
- Software Assurance includes software updates and support

System Requirements
- Version 5.9 to most current Enterprise version of Stone Edge
- Stone Edge generic cart required for order import
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