Currency Converter

Order data from foreign markets doesn’t always come into Stone Edge as US dollars.  Amazon and ChannelAdvisor international markets import order data into Stone Edge in the countries local currency.  This means when running reports or exporting data to QuickBooks, the data isn’t in US dollars thus isn’t correct.  For the data to be correct, it needs to be converted to local US dollars.  With the currency converter from Technology Copilot, this data from incoming orders can be auto-converted at the time of import to US dollars using the most accurate exchange rate for the day.


  • Uses already existing currency indicator on the incoming Amazon/ChannelAdvisor order to determine source currency.
  • At order import time conversation rate used to convert product totals, shipping total, grand totals and balance due to US dollars
  • Cart based system parameter used to determine currency conversation rate
  • Conversation rates can be entered manually, or they can be automatically generated via real-time exchange rate add on
  • Real-time add on updated the conversion rate automatically once a day based on the then current conversion rate for the country’s currency.


  • Real Time Exchange add on is compatible with Technology Copilot’s FBA Import Utility
  • Base Currency Conversation code compatible with all shopping carts


  • Base currency converter $299
  • *Real time exchange add on $100 


Prices include setup, testing, configuration and one month of free support

System Requirements

  • Running Stone Edge version 5.9 or greater
  • Importing Amazon orders with AMTU/Semplice or are using ChannelAdvisor

Technology Copilot has been a valuable partner in our e-commerce growth. Aside from their ongoing support of our StoneEdge software, they have assisted us with some of their special products, like Currency Converter and FBA Inventory Reconciliation. They have also helped us manage unique transaction issues and assisted us in managing order import carts from multiple online sources.

Frank Quinlisk

Media Supply

Currency Converter

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